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Learn On-The-Go | The best websites for Online Learning

Yes, I believe in continuous improvement, the day of professionally learning new things, personally, literally, it's the end of life. The only thing that separates animals from animals is learning. As a human being, we have the best privilege to think. Every major decision or action will begin with that thought process

I learned that the complaints are nice. Instead I am finding alternative ways for each issue. To improve my skills, I've recently come across some of the websites that are useful for other fresh computer science engineers:

Coursera.com: This is my personal preference. Provides excellent online education with videos and programs from the best universities in the world.

Khan Academy - Mathematics, Statistics, Economics - Everything you missed in college and high school and wanted to re-visit and learn again.

Tutorialspoint.com - You have tutorials that are easy to follow on important topics of programming and CS concepts, which you can cover in hours and can literally be expert with your peers.

MIT OpenCrossway: MIT is one of the largest collections of Open Course Service, including several offerings in computer science with key minds in the field.

W3 Schools: For those who want to learn a programming language, there are some better resources than W3 schools. On their site, there are tutorials for learning HTML, CSS, Ajax and other programming languages.

Google Code University: Google has created many resources to help computer science students, including programming, web security, algorithms, and even more courses.

Udemy, edX: Thousands of full courses for science-related fields for all computers.

Geeksforgeeks: A website providing and explaining solutions to select C, C ++ and Java issues. This is a great website to know how algorithms are implemented.

Wikibooks: Add any courses you take free from Wikibooks online with textbooks online. You will find great titles that serve as referral centers for a variety of CS issues.

Stock Overflow: Answers to all kinds of questions related to programming, work, mathematics, software etc.

CodeCodemy: If you need some help in learning coding language, check out this site for some step-by-step guide that makes everything a bit easier.

GitHub: Thousands of projects with their code, you can even create own repositories for examples to host your plans.

Quora: The world's best question and answer destination. You can submit any questions. But in most cases you will not receive an immediate answer from this site. You have the opportunity to ask the people you like. This allows us to ask questions for professionals.

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